
كابل الجهد العالي

Max Long-time operating temperature of PVC insulated cable is 70°C, XLPE 90°C.


1. Max Long-time operating temperature of PVC insulated cable is 70°C, XLPE 90°C.
2. Installing temperature of cable should not be less than 0°C.
3. Max short-circuit temperature is:PVC not exceed 160°C,XLPE 250°C,Not more than5 Sec.
4. Permitting bending radius cable: Not less than 10 D times (D:external diameter of cable)
5. Perfect chemical stability, resistant against acids, alkali, grease and organic solvents, and flamer retardant.

Part A: Cores and Sections
1,  2,  3,   3+1,   3+2,    3+3,  4,    4+1,    4+2,   5 and so on.

No. Of Core and Sectional Area(mm2) :
1 Core 1.5-800     25-800     25-1200     25-1200     35-1200     50-1200     50-1200     50-1200 
2 Core 1.5-185     25-185 
3 Core 1.5-400     25-400     25-400     25-400     35-400     50-400     50-400     50-400 
4 Core 2.5-400     25-400 
5 Core 2.5-400       25-400 

Part B : Construction:
Conductor: Solid or stranded Copper 
Insulation: Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) or Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 
Filler: Polypropylene filament with lapped binding tape 
Binder: Binding tape 
Inner sheath: Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 
Amour: Galvanized steel wire armored(SWA) or steel tape armored(STA) 
Sheath: Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 

Part C: Nominal Section 
Area(mm2) :1.5 2.5 4 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 240 300 400 500 630 800

Part D: Operating Features:
1.The maximum conductor operating temperature: 90°C
During short circuit (lasting less than 5 seconds) the maximum temperature of the cable conductor shall not be above 250°C
Environment temperature should be no lower than 0°C for laying the cable.
2. Bending Radius of the Cable:
Single Core Cable: Non Armored Cable 20D, Armored Cable 15D
Cores Cable: Non Armored Cable 15D, Armored Cable 12D.
Remarks: D means practical external diameter of the cable.


High Quality Voltage Electric Power Cable

Conductor nominal section(mm2)Conductor diameter(mm)Insulation thickness(mm) Sheath thickness(mm)Approximate outer diameter of cable(mm)Approximate weight of cable(kg/km)Maximum DC resistance of 20 ° C conductor(Ω/km)Cable ampacity(A)
AYJLV22CuAlSoil layingAir laying
70 9.8 10.53.9 92.0 9690 8430 0.524 0.868 225 200 260 205 
95 11.5 10.54.1 86.3 11050 9270 0.387 0.641 305 240 315 245 
120 12.9 10.54.2 99.7 12210 9970 0.268 0.443 345 270 360 280 
150 14.5 10.54.3 103.3 13560 10730 0.193 0.320 390 300 405 315 
185 16.0 10.54.4 107.0 14880 11500 0.153 0.253  - - - -
240 18.3 10.54.6 112.5 17210 12800 0.124 0.206  - - - -
30020.510.54.7117.719760141000.09910.164 - - - -
40023.510.55.0125.123390160800.07540.125 - - - -

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